Victory – Keys to a Consistently Victorious Life
Rev. Mike identifies the principles necessary to achieve sustained victory in your life. These truths will undoubtedly help you to live, walk and move in a dimension of miraculous victory.
Price: $15.00 CAD inc. shipping and handling

The Power in the Names of God
Names are so important. To experience who God is, you must know Him by name. In this two part, ‘Called to Victory’ broadcast series, Pastor Mike and Pastor Maria explain how you can apply the names of God to every situation in your life and experience victory. God is your source and your resource and He wants the very best for you today and every day. Trust in God, surrender to Him and call upon His name and He will be a banner over your life. Experience the power in the names of God today! OFFER #S-105
Price: $20.00 CAD inc. shipping and handling

Forgive? Me Forgive? Why?
In this two part series, forgiveness and unforgiveness is discussed in an intriguing and serious manner. The implications of unforgiveness is addressed. You will find out why you must forgive and the benefits of forgiveness. If you have ever had the opportunity to be bitter or unforgiving, this series is a must! OFFER #S-106
Price: $20.00CAD inc shipping and handling.